Jacob Barkdull
Freelance web developer & programmer
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This is a bug fix release. It primarily includes fixes to problems many people have encountered using HashOver on Windows. There aren't any new features, as not even version 2.0 is focused on new features.
This is a bug fix release. It includes fixes for problems many people have encountered and contacted me about since version 1.0's release, primarily PHP Strict Standards messages causing JavaScript syntax errors. There aren't any new features, as not even version 2.0 is focused on new features.
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GNOME 40 is finally out and I'm happy to say a small contribution of mine made it into the release. My contribution adds a new feature to GNOME System Monitor version 40. Few articles about GNOME 40 mention it, but some power users might find my contribution useful.
Over the past few days I've been in talks with a nice fellow named Kamil Jablonski, a concept artist, graphic designer, and web developer who recently contributed a Polish locale for HashOver. He shared with me a logo design for HashOver, that after some back and forth became, in my opinion, a very cool design.