Jacob Barkdull

Freelance web developer & programmer

I am Jacob Barkdull, a freelance web developer, web designer, and programmer from California. As a web developer and programmer I am very interested in free and open source software, GNU/Linux, and enjoy reading and writing about software in general. I have released a few personal projects as free and open source software since 2010. This website is where I collect and organize my software and writing.

Starting in 2019 I plan to release many more of my projects as free and open source software and begin to reclaim the rights to software I have written for other people and businesses and release it as well.

If you want to stay up-to-date with me or my software you can follow me on Twitter, I host my software on GitHub and may contribute to other free and open source software there as well, and you may subscribe to my newsletter using the form below.

I am also available for freelance work. If you like my software, add me to your team.


Web Frontend

JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, HTML & CSS


C, C++, GTK+, SDL & BASH

Office Software

Microsoft Office & LibreOffice

Web Backend

PHP, Node.js, MySQL & SQLite

Operating systems

GNU/Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android & iOS

Various Software

Git, Inkscape, GIMP & Android Studio

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